Tuesday, October 18, 2011

free of bad habits

Today its time to set yourself free of bad habits that really don't do your body any good, like the late night craving of eating or the endless supply of sweet to satisfy your sweet tooth all those crazy craves need to be cut off and we have just the thing to help you reset your nutritional health and get you going on the right track to the healthy life you need to live. USANA will provide you with everything from A to Z of anything you can think of that the body will need to be healthy from inside and out. USANA is going above and beyond for Nutrition so that you wont have to worry any more! Wow, finally a worry free health that doesn't come with crazy side effects that give you more problems then answers.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Get ready get set to go, it's time there is nothing stopping you, there is nothing holding you back everything you need is right here at USANA to make sure you have a complete healthy life style that you deserve because you only have one body and USANA wants you make sure that you are well taken care of with the best nutrition supplements that they have so don't settle because there are other nutrition's out there but picking them over USANA is like picking a Pinto over a Rolls Royce. Now that's the worst decision every!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Get Set

Time to get set up to have the best time of your life with USANA health sciences, we will provide you with the best health assessment to help you get set for a top of the line healthy life style that you can love and trust and never worry about it being to hard, to stressful or just plain difficult. See one of the main reason why most people don't get good proper nutrition is because most nutritional supplements lie and don't do what they are suppose to do and some of them are the worst tasting supplements and nutritional food ever and it turns people away but eating and living healthy life with USANA tastes good looks good and feels good too. A big thing to remember is that your body is a temple but only if you treat it as one.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The benefits of living a healthy life!

Watching your kids become adults, watching your kids have kids, watching your grand kids become adults, watching your great- grand kids have kids, traveling the world, walking the mall, hanging out at night, keeping active in sports even after your 50, 60, and 70+, having to avoid the high and expensive hospital cost. These are just a few things that just barely touch the surface of the benefits of providing your life with the nutrition it needs to stay on top and have your body in tip top shape so again people with always say, wow how did you stay so healthy and fit. With your knowledge that you gain from USANA you will be able to multiply that same success in someone else life and that's what USANA is all about.

Get Ready

Get ready to start on a new healthy life style with USANA, it starts with your mind, tell yourself nothing is going to stop me, its my time to shine its time for me to be the wow factor in my life and in my families and friends lives. We all know the mind is the biggest stopper because we all have that little voice in the back of your heads telling us all those crazy things but forget what your mind is saying about you. You have to think about how you are going to feel when you have nothing but the best nutrition on your side and that's what USANA will provide you, nothing but the best so that you can take good care of your body because its the only one you have. As I look back on this pass weekend about the people that passed away I asked my self what happen to people dying of just old age but now we have the young dying from all types of diseases and I posed this question "Will you let a disease be the determiner in your life." 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Treating yourself to a healthy life style

First off let me begin say thank you for everyone reading my first ever post, now that that is said its time to get down to business I'm not here to give u any statistics, data or anything like that because you know that this world is full of more diseases then even and spreading faster then ever, I'm here to be real and as real as its going to get starting off by saying a HEALTHY life and lifestyle is the key and now its time to use that key. USANA has opened it's door's to help each and everyone of us live longer and live a happy healthy and joyful life worry free of all disease. Thomas Edison quotes “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” USANA is at the top in NUTRITION and we want to help each individual in the world, so don't wait your time is now and always remember "A hospital bill is more then a nutritional bill."